Friday, March 27, 2009

Fatihah untuk Emma

Minggu ini agak suram kerana dimulakan dengan berita pemergian seorang anggota akademik tertinggi di IUTT Yemen. Cikgu Ramli yang merupakan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif dan Pengetua di sana meninggal dunia pada April 10, 2009 di Yemen German Hospital, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen akibat Mycardiac Infaction complicated by Ventracal Tachyeardia. Jenazah Allahyarham selamat dikebumikan di kampung halaman beliau di Kelantan pada April 13, 2009 lalu.

Menyingkap gambar-gambar kenangan di dalam koleksi album simpanan saya (suatu ketika dulu saya turut aktif dengan aktiviti pelajar), terpandang beberapa bekas pelajar dan kakitangan yang telahpun menyahut seruan ilahi. Yang terpapar di atas (paling hadapan, berbaju hitam dan memakai cap) adalah Noor Emma binti Abdul Aziz.

Bekas graduan Diploma Pengurusan Teknologi ini meninggal dunia pada January 17, 2009 akibat lymphoma Cancer. Allahyarhamah bercita-cita menjadi seorang ahli politik yang berjaya sesuai dengan sifat dan keperibadian beliau yang amat periang dan mudah didekati. Allahyarhamah mudah ketawa dan ketawanya amat unik dan istimewa. Mungkin itu juga turut dikenang oleh rakan-rakannya. Kata salah seorang rakan karibnya: " dia seorang yang ceria..even tengah sakit boleh lagi happy macam dulu.. kawan yang senang didekati dan susah nak terasa hati... dia juga seorang yang bersemangat dalam apa pun aktiviti yang dijalankan... walaupun ada masalah dia tetap happy"

Arwah Emma terlibat aktif dalam banyak aktiviti pelajar anjuran saya dulu. Bahas Piala Presiden, Derma Darah, Bola jaring Inter-Fakulti, Bola Jaring:Pensyarah lawan Pilihan Pelajar dan banyak lagi. Setiap kali bertemu, Arwah akan menjeritkan nama saya dari jauh dengan senyum lebarnya...kadang-kadang untuk sekadar suatu sapaan (just to say hi).

Begitulah Emma yang saya kenali. Semoga roh Allahyarhamah ditempatkan di samping roh mereka yang Solehah. kenanglah rakan-rakan kita yang telah pergi dan hargailah "hidup sebelum mati" agar kita "live our life to the fullest"


Komen dari salah seorang rakan Alumni:

sesungguhnye Allah Maha Berkuasa..mcm br semlm je kite knl dgn arwah..bile teliti btl2 dh dkt 4thn kami tinggalkn IUCTT.dan kami study same hampir 4thn juge..tpi xpernah putus berhubung.arwah mmg seorg periang.sedih je bile pi jenguk die..keperitan die mase kene kimoterapi..mmg hanya Allah shj yg tau.last contact dgn arwah mmg die teringin sgt nk jmpe..tpi ape kan daye mase tu sibuk dgn kje dan jarak jauh jdi penghalang..rase puas ati sbb dpt kirim kerepek kesukaan arwah sblm die hembus nafas roh arwah senang DI SANA... liza

Raziff: the Last of 3

A picture says thousand words. This is a sure proudest moment in Raziff's life. It is a tradition started during 2005's convocation in Berjaya Time Square when proud parent of Imtiaz was called by the Minister to be on stage together with their son when the valedictorian speech was read out.

As mentioned in the 1st part, what best gift could a son give BUT a "thank you" and a special moment like this. Enjoy this last part of Raziff's speech:

Rakan Graduan yang diraikan,

IUCTT telah memupuk kita dengan sikap dan minat terhadap ilmu serta menyediakan kita dengan kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk kita menceburi profession masing-masing. Intipati mesej saya tadi adalah graduan:

Perlu memahami minat dan kekuatan masing-masing.
Perlu berani mengambil langkah pertama untuk merealisasikan cita-cita.
Perlu menguasai semua asas yang penting di dalam pengajian masing-masing.
Perlu sentiasa mempunyai perancangan contingency sekiranya berlaku apa-apa masalah semasa pengajian berlangsung.
Perlu mempunyai tumpuan yang tidak berbelah bahagi, serta yang paling utama;
Perlu mencari keseimbangan di antara teori-teori yang kita perolehi semasa di kelas dengan perkembangan dan praktis di luar.

Para hadirin yang dihormati sekalian,

Persekitaran kita berubah dengan drastic di luar sana. Perkembangan ekonomi, politik dan teknologi berjalan begiru pantas dan benarlah kata orang, “those who seek the light, they shall find power”. Untuk kekal relevan dan berdayasaing, kita tidak boleh berhenti setakat di sini sahaja. Malah gesaan “Life-Long Learning” perlu dijadikan budaya agar kita sentisasa kemaskini dengan ilmu pengetahuan. Kita juga perlu berkemahuan untuk menjadi anggota masyarakat yang aktif dan berperanan besar membangunkan negara.

Masanya juga untuk kita menganjak paradigma agar turut serta di dalam perlumbaan “Research & Development” setara dengan negara-negara yang menerajui dunia teknologi dan penciptaan seperti Jepun, German, Amerika Syarikat dan banyak lagi.

Nikmatilah kejayaan pada hari ini dan bersedialah menghadapi cabaran yang akan bermula esok.

May Raziff's words of wisdoms be an inspiration to all.

Raziff: 2nd of 3

Dear Readers,

It is not an easy job to speak to throngs of people. Being elected to speak on behalf of more than 600 graduates will give it worse "nightmare" to whomever chosen for that job. But Raziff did it...wonderfully. Art of public speaking do not come overnight. There are specific subjects for such and normally it will take a torturous 6 months to really master the skills. My measurement was very simple. Throughout the whole speech, VVIPs on the stage never divide their attention to his speech. He NAILED their attention.

The 2nd part of the speech:

Sometimes there are unexpected obstacles, no matter how prepared we think we are. The only way to overcome such situations is through improvisation. According to the Oxford Dictionary, improvisation is “ to make something from whatever is available, without advanced planning”. This requires making judgment within a very short time, and it is certainly a skill that can’t be taught or learnt. However, a student who manages to master this will certainly stand out from the crowd.

Mapping a perfect plan for the success ladder requires us to focus on our own strength. This plan acts as the track along which we can plot our route. If the devised plan is well executed, we can start small, with things we can cope with and these small successes will then snowball into larger accomplishments.
Of course in every war there would be victories and defeats. There will be times of celebrations and times of mourning. Facing failures is not easy, but that is the nature of life. We have to be prepared to face and accept failures, though it’s a bitter pill to swallow. In the face of failures, we have to shake off the dust, get back on to your feet and continue your journey. This is the mentality that creates leaders.

Another quote that I would like to share is from a great scientist who discovered buoyancy; Archimedes.
Archimedes said “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world”
A student should know working together as a team, where sharing ideas, knowledge and technologies, could propel them further forward than what they could achieve on their own. Positive Thinking is a key point, where collectively the strength is inevitable and success more likely. As the saying goes, ‘’an ape would never kill another ape “, teamwork should be visible always within a group and this is exactly what Archimedes meant by his “fulcrum” and yes, we can move the world indeed.

After all has been said and done, in the end the students themselves must realize true potential, hence making them more marketable and attractive to the eyes of the corporate world. While they’re at it, they should pick up communication skills with great flair, which is commonly in Malaysia, English. Most make mistake of thinking that language is secondary but what these people don’t realize is that, English is the language of science and technology, along with Latin and Japanese. A good combination of a great institution like IUCTT, a carefully planned module, competent workforce and positive approach by the students, would generate future leaders, scientists, politicians and businessmen.

We wish to have Imtiaz to write about his experience when he delivered his valedictorian speech in Berjaya Time Square a few years back. Him and his antic "tidak hairan kalau satu hari nanti, ada di kalangan graduan di hadapan YB Dato' (Minister of Higher Education at that time) yang akan menggantikan YB Dato' sebagai Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi."
Picture Note: "Talk about the best gift you could give to your parent"

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Raziff: 1st of 3

It was a historical day for Raziff, the Vice Chancelor Award recipient for IUCTT's 6th convocation held on November 24th, 2008. We have a lot to talk about when it reach best student's speeches. We are honoured to reproduce Raziff's speech, divided into 3 parters "biteable pieces":
Ladies and Gentlemen:

Taking the quote from an individual, I consider the most popular scientist of all, a grandmaster who founded universal gravitation and laws of motion, Sir Isaac Newton:

“I keep the subject of my inquiry constantly before me, and wait till the first dawning opens gradually little by little, into a full and clear light”

A good success ladder is built on a strong foundation. For an individual to achieve something in his life, the most vital part of the journey to success is the first step. This is what would determine the level of success that can be achieved. Rome started from a grain of soil, the Great Pyramid of Giza with a block and Microsoft with a single, small chip. We owe it all to Julius Caesar and Bill Gates respectively for transforming these into greatness. The pivotal point in their pursuit of success is what the ability to build on a strong foundation.

After laying a strong foundation and before setting out to achieve anything in any field, be it engineering, science, business or medical, having a good grip of the basics would certainly be of help. This is to prepare us for any and every eventuality before we venture into deeper waters. [end of part 1 of 3]
It was a definite surprise for both his father and mother and we believe that it was the best gift a son could give to their proud parent. We will talk about this more exclusively. Raziff, care to comment?
Aside from Raziff, we will have the rest of ever best student award recipients, to talk about moments of their life.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

WALKING TALL: Regarding Aelya and Massabrina

This photo does not do justice to both ex-students we highlight in this entry: (i) Aelya and; (ii) it was taken circa 2005-2006 when there was still a small field available for light activities at the SD Business Park. They were not (shall I say) fully bloomed as they are now.

Both were the referrees for a netball game meant for all Twintech's male staff and the game was aptly named "Piala Anak Jantan". Women were challenged with Futsal game: a cross to let opposite sexes know how hard it is to be a real man or woman.

That aside, both referrees survived the ordeal and even live to tell. Points to ponder though, we have capable graduates who have "balanced" life who can function effectively in the community. It took a lot of courage, skills and patience to handle these masculinic players.

Familiar faces to look for too: Sir Raja Irwan (you will have your turn soon), Mr Ramesh, Encik Anuar and a few more.

As I recalled it, Aelya even made to National Netball Competition representing Selangor (Puteri UMNO team) and brought our students team in that mission. I believe both Massabrina and Aelya were with Twintech long before we shifted to Bandar Sri Damansara. They were the "Jalan Kelang Lama" batch.

Nostalgic as it is, do share with us photos, stories and memories of those years. We wish to know how it was back then when life was so simple and students community was so close with each other.

Do tell.

Picture Note: Hobbits Walking Tall among those Elfs

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Let's Start with an "A" [ for Andak]

This is an image popularly used in most promotional materials by Twintech (or L&G-Twintech or Twintech or IUCTT). I believe nothing is "that" special except it has quite a prominent individual there warmly known as "Andak"....and this was among the earliest convocation held by Twintech.

Andak did not aged a bit (comparison from this picture) and cracks or wrinkles on her head are of her wisdoms, I truly believe. True as people say: picture says Thousand Words. When I encountered Andak to ask her to write a little about this nostalgic photo, she was mum about it and shied away with "Aku tak tahu nak "blogging".

Let's help Andak open up by posting these essential questions:

  • Why on earth were you called "Andak"?
  • When was this picture taken?
  • Which convocation was that?
  • Where was it held?
  • Why were only 3 of you with the green and yellow hood?
  • What were you thinking? (when the picture was taken)
  • Where have you been after graduating?
What was it like being a graduate from L&G-Twintech Institute of Technology?

That much will help you taking us back to those ol innocent days.

Hi dear readers!

This is a blog specifically dedicated to Twintech's alumni. We are tracking as many graduates from Twintech from the earliest year of 1994 until to date. So much has changed from those good old days and so many has reached for the sky. We wish to know you better and learn how was your experience with us. We wish let the present "siswa" hear it from you: those who have gone through it all, survived and excel as you are now.

Write to us about your own memories with Twintech: be it bitter or sweet.

Abdul Nasir Abdul Khalil